How to build a shelter for storm preparedness


No one wants to be in an emergency situation but with the unpredictable climatic condition and the relative unrest among countries of the world, it is worth considering having a knowledge of how to build a shelter especially for situations when the SHTF.

There are different occurrences that could lead to an emergency situation and when the SHTF, you want to be sure you have already implemented your knowledge of how to build a shelter for a storm into practice and all you need do is make your way to the safe room. The first decision regarding building a storm shelter is the location of the shelter. You could decide to have an underground shelter or choose to have it in your home which could be in your basement, garage or an interior part of the first floor of your house.

When one is thinking of how to build a disaster shelter, different factors like the resources and materials available at your disposal come to mind. The good part about building such shelters is that one needs not break the bank to be safe in SHTF situations. Materials to be used in constructing storm shelters vary and a search on the internet would reveal a number of affordable materials that can be used in building such shelters.

One however needs to take the measurement of the structure in order to get the right dimensions of the hole to dig for your shelter. Once the shelter is constructed, with the use of a lift or pulley, you carefully lower the constructed shelter into the dug hole. The structure should be few inches above the ground for easy access in case of an emergency and some space by the side for concrete reinforcements.

In order for the shelter to stay and remain firm and stable, it is advised that the space around the shelter is filled with concrete halfway. Once the concrete is dry, all other fittings and fixtures need in SHTF situations can be installed.

Do not forget to stock up your shelter with essential supplies especially if there are warning signs of imminent storm. Flashlight, first aid kit, non-perishable foodstuffs, and the likes are just some of the needed supplies.

Building a bomb shelter

Similar to what is obtainable when building a storm shelter, materials used in building a bomb shelter vary from blocks to cement and steel, but the aim and basics remain the same – strength and support.

Space is an essential consideration in building underground bomb shelter. You do not want a shelter that is too wide or too long to avoid the shelter being unstable. A well-constructed shelter would go on to reduce cost as you need not spend on additional support for the structure.

A bomb shelter like most other survival shelter could come in wood-framed or block-framed structures.

Wood-framed shelters are probably the most affordable and best bomb shelters. A well-constructed one gives enough room to house you in dangerous times and does not make you feel imprisoned. They usually would be at least 8 feet wide having support poles to help with stability. One of the biggest advantages of such bomb shelters is the ease of building them.

Block-framed shelters as the name suggests are made from blocks. Unlike wood-framed shelters, the service of a professional is almost always needed to ensure a perfect job is done. This would mean a higher cost when compared with the wood-framed option.

Whichever option one decides to go with, it is important to never compromise quality and safety even as one tries to cut cost.

Having any of the above shelters is the first step to surviving a situation when SHTF.  Besides having a strong and safe structure, there are other basics to be met to ensure you and your family stays safe, protected, and well during the crisis.

Basic supplies need to be put in place to avoid your shelter being an imprisonment. Water, food, medications, utensils, lightings, transistor radio, sanitary items, and in some cases, defensive techniques need to be part of your preparation to surviving a crisis situation.

Nothing is too small as an addition to keeping you and the family safe in emergency situations, so be sure to take all necessary precautions and a good way to start is building a shelter.

For more information on how to build a shelter, go to emergency shelter.

Watch video on Best Survival Techniques Should You Evacuate or Shelter in Place

How to survive in the woods.

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